Critical blog 3 – 22/09/17

Why is the speaker in John Shaw Neilson’s “The Poor, Poor Country” “no pauper”?

Throughout the course of Neilson’s ‘The Poor, Poor Country” the phrase “no pauper was I” is repeated following a detailed description of the land / animals which are present. This detailed description is the key to understanding the persona’s take on ‘wealthy’ and their worldview. It is clear that the persona in this text values their own spirituality and emotional stability / enrichment above that of their material wealth. This is clear through the tone of the persona’s voice when addressing aspects of his surroundings. The warm tone which is evoked provides the reader with a heightened connection to not only the persona but to their surrounding area. This connection allows for a greater understanding of the speakers ‘wealth’ and how he defines himself as “no pauper” because of the beauty which he is surrounded by.

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